Saturday, January 30, 2010
Contents and images of the components
Game Cover
Board game consists of:
- The board
- 2 dice (6 figurines)
- 6 recording lists
- 30 Drawbacks cards
- 30 Opportunity cards
- Game manual
- Train Wreck play money.
The Board
Recording lists x 6
Game Manual
Money ( 3 examples)
Drawback cards ( 1 example) x 30 ( different scenarios)
Opportunity cards ( 1 examples) x 30 ( different scenarios)
Game Manual
Ages: 18+ Players: 2 – 6 Playing time: 1+ hours
Objective of Train Wreck:
Buy investing in stocks of companies and properties, and with a little luck from the dice, your goal is to become the first person to reach the end with $5 million worth of cash and properties.
Contents of TrainWreck:
Your board game should consist of the board, 6 figurines, 2 dice, 6 recording list, 30 Drawbacks and Opportunity cards, game manual and TrainWreck play money.
Game Preparation:
A banker needs to be chosen (who can still play the game) and he will hand out the following denominations of money: 2- $20,000 note, 3- $10,000 note, 3- $5,000 notes, 9- $1,000 notes, 10- $500 notes and 10- $100 notes. For a start each player will be given $100,000. All players will select a figurine and place it on the “START/GO”. Drawback and Opportunity cards should be placed face down in their allotted locations on the board. The banker will make all financial transactions throughout the game.
Game Play:
Each player takes turns tossing the dice. The highest rolling player starts to play the game and continues to his right. Each time a player passes the train station he will receive a cash reward from the banker, the amount shown on the station.
Rules of investing in properties:
Rules of investing in companies:
When a player lands on a company’s tile, player can choose to invest in the company or pass. If the player chooses to invest in the company, the player can only invest in fixed denomination; that is, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1 million. Player can choose to invest in preference shares where they will receive fixed dividends or ordinary shares where their dividends is uncertain and will only receive dividends after preference shares. To determine the dividends received, player will have to throw the dice and multiply the number on the dice by $20,000.
Dice shows ‘3’.
3 x $20,000 = $60,000 Therefore, investor will receive $60,000 of dividends.
When a player lands on a Drawbacks or Opportunities space, the top card is taken, must be obeyed, and placed at the bottom of the pile after going through it.
Any player, who lands on this ‘OPPORTUNITIES’ tile, will have to dr
aw the top card of the ‘OPPORTUNITIES’ pile and act accordingly.
Player, who lands on this ‘DRAWBACKS’ tile, will have to draw the top card of the ‘DRAWBACKS’ pile and act accordingly.
Any player, who lands on this ‘TAX’ tile, will have to pay the banker tax of $5,000.
Player, who lands on this ‘GORVENMENT BONDS’ tile, may choose to buy the bond and receives the interest accordingly.
Player, who lands on this ‘PROPERTY’ tile, can either choose to buy the property if they have sufficient money or pass.
Instruction on how to record Property
For property, when a player lands on the 'PROPERTY' tile, he can choose to purchase the property or pass. If a player purchase a property, he needs to record it down under the "Cost of property" under the 'PROPERTY' table on the recording list provided. During the game, if he happens to pick an 'OPPORTUNITIES' card with "Property for condominium rises to $1 million. Player can choose to sell their condominium property or retain"; this means that player has the right to sell their property off to the bank at $1 million or give a pass hoping for a better offer in the future. If the player choose to sell his property, he has to record it down under "Selling price of property" under the 'PROPERTY' table.
Steps to calculate the gain/loss of property are:
Step 1: Determine the cost price.
For e.g. the cost of a condominium property = $90,000
Step 2: Determine the selling price.
Selling price of a condominium property = $1 million
Step 3: Find gain/(loss).
Gain/(Loss) = Selling price - Cost price
= $1,000,000 - $90,000
= $10,000 (Gain)
Government Bonds
When a player lands on the “Government Bond” tile, he can buy the bond at the amount shown on the tile or pass.
For example, if the tile shows:
Pay rate of $50,000, returns 5%, period 3 years.
Step 1: $50,000 x 5%= $2,500 (per period)
Step 2: 1 period= 1 round. Therefore, 3 periods will be 3 rounds and you will receive a total of $7,500 ($2,500 x 3). $2,500 at each turn.
Step 3: You will receive the pay rate, $50,000 at the end of the 3rd round. In all you should have received $57,500.
All this should be recorded down in the recording list for easy reference.
Amount ($): 50000
Rate of Return (%): 5%
Maturity Period: 3 yearr
Total Amount: ($50000+($2500 x 3)) = $57500